
Showing posts from 2018

No Wages For Love: Women’s Rights Within Families And Changing Economic Paradigm

  No Wages For Love: Women’s Rights Within Families And Changing Economic Paradigm 30/03/2018 The neoliberal economy has changed the manner in which labor, love, and relationships have been recognized, appreciated, and structured in society. The economic crisis has cropped up in recent years, where employment is shrinking, the economy is deteriorating, the common people are left with few options to earn their livelihoods and the state is rolling back from its welfare role, all this is making a significant impact on social relations. These economic changes are also making a deep impact on the social institution of marriage and family which is weakening and is being threatened in the given neoliberal environment where money is replacing love, commercialization is substituting the social and emotional bonds, the civic relations are waning and fading away and where the community support is gradually becoming extinct. The consumer paradigm in the free market economy now put an onus on the i