Sunday, July 30, 2023

 Dowry involves a triad of oppression

“Dahej naari jaati ka apmaan hai”

"Dowry is an insult to females.”

(A slogan raised against the immoral practice of dowry in post-independent India)

Cameron (2014) categorised the financially abusive partners into three categories: controllers, exploiters, and schemers. According to this study, the controllers use a peculiar combination of abusive behaviour to exert control, the exploiters use various forms of abuse to exploit partners for their own financial needs, and the schemers systematically strategize to steal the women’s money. The despicable goal of the schemers is to shamelessly exploit the relationship and to wrongfully take women’s assets. Using this critical approach to analyse the cases relating to dowry abuse depicts that those who demand dowry are schemers who systematically and brazenly strategize to control not only the women’s assets but also the money that belongs to her natal family. As a controller, the abuser threatens the woman and inflicts senseless violence on her, if the dowry demands remain unfulfilled, he murders her or tortures her to compel her to commit suicide. As an exploiter, the abuser ruthlessly exploits the marital relationship to make arbitrary, irrational demands, to extract resources and wealth.

A critical analysis of several of the reported cases of dowry shows that it is not merely a custom consisting of a simple exchange of gifts; it is a predatory practice that consists of a broader form of violence, which is physical, economic, mental, emotional, and verbal, where the abuser intentionally exploits the element of emotional intimacy and the woman’s economic dependency in the relationship using his position of authority and while taking advantage of a woman’s situation of vulnerability. This acute form of economic abuse inextricably involves a perilous set of oppressive elements, including

1) compulsive persistence, coercive, arbitrary, and irrational demands that are made continuously over an incessant period starting from before the marriage, during the marriage, or even years after the marriage is performed;

2) pressurizing and coercing a woman and her natal family in various ways, including physical, emotional, or mental torture of a woman for consumer goods or cash or other material benefits,

3) killing a woman, treacherously murdering her, or burning her alive, or she is mentally tortured to such an extent that her circumstances become unbearable, she feels helpless, and she is compelled to commit suicide.

All these conspicuous elements may work together or singly, but the purpose is to compel women and their families to arrange for money, cash, valuables, or tangible goods. Arbitrary dowry demands, coercion, and violence are distinct elements that are not yet recognized legally in India. The legal system has grimly failed to recognize that the dowry demands or violence is not a one-time action, but it involves extorting money from the bride and her family by ruthlessly exploiting, torturing, subjugating, and oppressing women in the privacy of the home for years after marriage.

Making compulsive, arbitrary demands for the dowry from a bride is illegitimate, undesirable, immoral, and unethical, as are coercion and violence. The laws and policies on the dowry need to take these various complicated factors into account. The law has failed dismally to deter the attitude of entitlement among men who perhaps opine that it is their privilege that they can extort anything, anytime, from the family of the bride because of the marital relationship, ignoring the fact that marriage in no way entitles one to extract money or exploit women. The state hardly acts efficiently to curb this terrible crime; rather, the police and the courts, in several cases, as the bastion of male dominance, have propagated male chauvinism.

For instance, Mohinder Kaur, a teacher, set herself and her three children ablaze at her matrimonial home on 7.6.1983. Married seven to eight years ago, she was harassed for the dowry. She wrote a letter to the Deputy Superintendent of Police complaining of ill-treatment and persistently sought police protection. Her manipulative husband frustrated her frantic efforts to seek a transfer from the school where she was working. As per the prosecution, her mother-in-law and sister-in-law instigated her husband and conspired to brutally kill her by sprinkling alcohol, but their sinister plan misfired. Being fed up, Mohinder Kaur wrote a letter to her mother, sharing her unbearable agony, and committed suicide the next day. Her mother lodged an FIR. The trial court convicted her husband, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, but the High Court acquitted them on the ground that the prosecution could not prove that they aided and abetted her to commit suicide. The Supreme Court in State of Punjab v Iqbal Singh, while taking into account her ill-treatment and the atmosphere of terror created for her, restored the conviction of her husband but acquitted his sister. The legal system insisted on technicalities and the prosecution’s ability to produce convincing evidence, and not on the fact that Mohinder Kaur was continuously and brutally tortured to such an appalling extent that she could not see any other way around but to commit suicide along with her three children.

In Arvind Singh v. State of Bihar the daughter of Phulmati was horribly burned alive. The deceased, before her death, disclosed that her husband and other family members forcibly poured kerosene and set her on fire. The helpless girl was cruelly tortured because she was `ugly looking,’ and the pent-up demands for a dowry of Rs 10,000 and a gold ring could not be fulfilled. The apex court dwelled on the ghastly forms of burn injuries, the technicalities of a dying declaration, the nonexamination of the investigating officer and other evidence, and set aside the imprisonment under Sections 302 or 304B and 498A on the ground that no dowry demands were made prior to the date of the occurrence of the crime. Those who viciously murdered Phulmati’s daughter with impunity burned her, and then refused to take her charred body to the hospital were simply not deterred by the rule of law. The perpetrators somehow knew that the oppressive system upheld the mindset that burning women alive for the dowry is not considered a deadly crime and that they could effortlessly be set free. Perhaps, it is much easier to hopelessly entangle justice in the complicated web of technicalities, nitty gritty, and legal procedures in cases where women are victims.

Harjinder Kaur committed suicide on 7.2.1998 by ingesting aluminium phosphate because she was brutally tortured for not fulfilling the urgent demand for a motorcycle and a fridge (Sher Singh v State of Haryana). Her violent husband bitterly contested that she was hot-tempered,  desperately wanted him to shave his hair, and inevitably forced him to leave separately from his parents. The session judge convicted her husband and in-laws under Sections 304B and 498A IPC. The High Court, on appeal, acquitted all others except her husband on the technical ground that the prosecution calamitously failed to establish their role.

The Supreme Court acquitted the husband and noted, “What motivated or compelled her to take this extreme and horrific step will remain a mystery, as we are not satisfied that the prosecution has proved or even shown that she was treated with such cruelty, connected with dowry demands, as led her to commit suicide”. The court could not consider the fact that, for a motorcycle and a fridge, an unfortunate woman was barbarically tortured to such an extent that she committed suicide while she was pregnant.

The courts in several cases have emphasized the dereliction of the duty on the part of the prosecution or the negligence by the investigation officers to acquit the accused persons while overlooking the fact that justice is indignantly denied to the tragic victims because of the overall sloppiness by the law enforcement system in its entirety. And while doing so, the courts omit to perform an active role by directing the state to impart training to the officers and the staff to avoid any further such neglect on their part. The courts remain silent in situations where the rights of the victims are at stake.

Chinu Rani married Arjun Acharjee on 13.3.1994, and after their marriage, her husband and father-in-law severely tortured her physically and mentally for Rs 5000 in unpaid dowry out of the demand to pay Rs 20,000 (Nirode Ranjan Acharjee v State of Tripura). She wrote a letter to her father on 18.5.1994 requesting him to meet the pending demand. She tragically died on 30.6.1994. The post-mortem report noted that she died of insecticide poisoning. The trial court acquitted both the husband of the deceased and her father-in-law of the charges under Sections 304B and 306 IPC and convicted her husband only under Section 498A. On appeal, the High Court discarded the critical testimony of her parents, sister, and friend, where they testified that the deceased had told them that she had been subjected to harassment for nonpayment of the dowry, as hearsay evidence. The court also rejected the letter written by her as evidence, wilfully ignoring the dreadful agony the deceased underwent within a short period of her marriage. She died merely because her parents could not pay the money as promised at the time of marriage.

Mamta got married on 21.10.2001. She had a two-year-old daughter when she was found dead on 23.01.2005 (Rohit v State of Delhi). Her parents allege that her husband used to brutally torture her for the dowry and that they gave him cash many times. A day before she committed suicide, her husband sternly demanded Rs. 5000 in cash and a generator for his business. The case was registered under Section 304B and 34 IPC. However, the trial court acquitted the accused on the ground that the allegations were vague, general, and inconsistent, and no cruelty was committed by the accused. On appeal, the High Court maintained the acquittal on the ground that no proximate demand was made at the time when the deceased committed suicide while disbelieving the convincing testimonies of the witnesses. No one is held accountable for Mamta’s suicide.

Case after case demonstrates how crooked men have coerced, exploited, and murdered women for extorting the dowry. In all such cases, violent men have improperly used the devious mechanism of violence to pressurize, and torture women for months or years, and then murdered them for money or goods. Yet, the courts have upheld the patriarchal assumptions while acquitting the accused. Women have died in compelling circumstances. The testimony of witnesses and other material evidence indicates that women have been brutally murdered or were forcefully compelled to commit suicide because of unreasonable motives or coercive demands. Yet, the perpetrators of dowry violence are released on flimsy and technical grounds.

The courts frequently overlook the material evidence while disdainfully pointing out the faults of women as wives. The oppressive elements such as coercion, exploitation, extortion, or irrational, arbitrary demands are not taken into account while adjudicating the matters. Women are cruelly tortured and brutally murdered for the voracious ravenousness of soulless men, women are subjugated and oppressed by their families, and yet, are denied justice by the patriarchal state.

The United Nations Declaration on Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, clarifies that it is the duty of the state to ensure that the victims of crime should be treated with compassion, respect, and dignity and the judicial and administrative mechanisms should ensure that victims are not denied access to justice. However, in the situation of dowry violence, it appears that victims are deprived of justice and all the provisions and the norms mentioned in the said international instruments are flouted. The courts are seemingly unwilling to consider the varied elements of the triad of oppression deployed against women for the purpose of extracting dowry from them. The rights of women as human beings are still not upheld despite the promises and pledges made at the national or international level.

Excerpt from Dowry is a Serious Economic Violence: Rethinking Dowry Law in India, 2023, Amazon p. 104-106

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Tuesday, November 8, 2022


The Curses of Patriarchy


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you are a female,

your birth is a burden

I survived and thrived, flourished and bloomed

Confronted their stereotypes and challenged their misleading notions

I vowed that I will not accept their false binaries or phony divisions

I will keep demanding equal rights and opportunities to be a human

That is my firm declaration

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said your education is a drain,

It has made you in-vain

You will empty your family’s purse and then

You will move away when you get married to someone

I questioned their negative stereotypes and adverse presumptions

I opposed their entrenched superstitions

and challenged their harmful assumptions

I went to college to gain education,

I got all degrees, medals, and accolades

And walked out with distinction

Aiming towards the path of progression

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you are a woman you need to stay silent

Shut your mouth up and remain compliant

You have no right to make noise

You can’t raise your voice

I refused to remain obedient

I shouted, I wrote, I danced and I hopped

I defied, I rebelled, I resisted, I disobeyed

Because I chose the path of liberation,

I recognize my power, reclaim my freedom

Self-respect and love that is my assertion

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you have to cover yourself from top to bottom

Veils, jewelry, sindoor, bindi, saree, makeup,

we will decide your uniform

We dictate and you follow this is the compulsion

I said I decide the way I wanna stay, it’s my conclusion

I am not your slave, I refuse to bow to your oppression,

I am not a thing that you can own

I don’t need your pointless interventions

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you don’t need to go out, you stay at home

Staying inside the four walls of the house is your only occupation

Crossing the Lakshman Rekha is out of the permission

I broke all inept rules and regulations

I learned to fly, became a CEO, run big farms,

Excel in business, work in factories and set up my own craft

I choose to work in all male-dominated professions,

And achieve success in whatever I do with all my passion

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you can’t be seen in a public domain

We will molest you tease you, harass you, shame you,

Because that is our dominion

No said I, this will not deter me this is your hollow frighten

My courage got your fragility shaken

This planet belongs to everyone

No one needs your futile intrusions

I resolved to walk fearlessly on the streets,

On the roads at the workplaces all on my own,

Breaking all your rules is my determination

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said for a female marriage is a compulsion

We will decide whom to marry when to marry that is our declaration

I said I assert my choices and my selections

I marry when I want to, and with whom I want to, it’s my decision,

I need no redundant patriarchal interruptions

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you have no self; no identity of your own

Your existence is irrelevant, you are important to none

I use my skills and talents to earn fame and recognition

I proclaimed myself found my individuation

I need no benefaction

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said we will decide the sex of the baby or

when you will have an abortion

I said my body my rights, no interference from any one

Procreation, or abortion, all of that is my selection

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said divorce is not permitted, marriage is a sacred obligation

With no guarantee of my safety, wellbeing or protection

They pushed me to `adjust’ silently in a violent relation

Torturing and burning me for dowry that is their sole ambition

I walked away because forcing a vicious tie on me is a coercion,

Their masculine toxicity is indeed an intimidation

I refused to bow down

I can survive on my own, I need no superficial imposition

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you can’t remain single,

Rearing a child with no father, you are a humiliation

I rejected their negative undesirable notion

I raised my child on my own,

I need no certificate of my motherhood from any charlatan

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you are a bad woman,

A selfish slut who takes care of none

I raised my child, supported my old parents,

Cared for my loved ones

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you will be denied the right to own a property,

Land, house or any possession

you have to stay under male protection

I said I refused your discriminatory directions

I made my own home full of love, kindness and compassion

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you can’t be a politician,

You will not take decisions because lack the capacity to run a nation

I rose to the top to take national and global decisions,

To end all the wars and to culminate to all destructions

To make this world a peaceful place and to save nature and its creation

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you have no rights, no laws apply no legal protections

It’s our will and command that is your only destination

I said I will not obey your unjust orders

I declined to give in to your unwanted unreasonable instructions

I will write my own laws; I will pen down my own constitution

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said he is superior, she is inferior

Male supremacy prevails, which forces biased preconceptions

That is engrained for generations in every institution

I confronted the age-old hegemony, oppose all the privileges

And challenged the obstinate male-domination

Dismantled the toxic masculinity, and resisted sexism.

Shred the misogyny and disarranged the dogmatism

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said a man is a hunter and a gatherer,

And therefore, he is a protector and provider

This is a divine creation based on biological differentiation

I questioned them that this is their false assumption

Because this imagined version is of a feeble and an apprehensive person

Perhaps, he can’t reproduce and lacks the capacity of procreation

So, how can he counterfeit his powers when he has none

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said your will remain bound by the man-made religion

And will obey all its customs and traditions

I defied and disobeyed, shattered all stereotypes, and broke all chains

I use my passion to transform the patriarchal civilization

They can neither rob my dignity or pride nor could harm my reputation

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said we will use against you all institutions

State, business, law, policies or religion

Pitting women against themselves,

this is what we have had you conditioned

I said I will rip off all your devious designs

and dismantle all your deceitful narrow projections,

Nurturing a just world, that is my solution

It’s your end, and the time of your permanent termination

I laughed and move on


Patriarchy cursed me, I laughed and move on

They said you witch, your laughing is ferocious,

This mocking hurts our fragile egos; it is savage and dangerous

I said laughing is an art of resistance, an act of power disruption

I lay the claim to the authority and to my solid foundation

Laughter is an anti-dose to all forms of oppression

It is indeed a step towards revolution

In me lies my courage, hope and conviction

There are unlimited possibilities that is my imagination

I laughed and move on


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Saturday, November 20, 2021


MeeLord! I am seeking justice as a citizen!


She hesitated and fumbled, vacillated and dithered,

When the Magistrate announced, “go for ADR, counseling and mediation”,

MeeLord, he promised he will not beat me when my parents intervened, she squeaked,

Though I may be naïve and inept to speak, yet I must tell you,

He assured he will not hit me when the neighbors intruded, but the violence never stopped,

Even when I approached the religious congregations,

When I called the police, he undertook not to harm,

And then the severe scars of beatings I got, enhanced stress and tensions,

He tried murdering me for dowry, broke my bones, denied me food and hits me for no reason,

And now you again say that I should go for conciliation,

Trust him and forget all humiliation?

That I should go back to his violent home without the promise of safety or conditions,

MeeLord! I am seeking justice as a citizen.


Can he be pardoned for all of his brutal actions?

What about his accountability for all his criminal intentions?

What if he beats me again and again after all promises and proclamations?

You insist that I should forgive and forget for the sake of family with no retribution,

MeeLord, am I not a human being? Do I have dignity as a citizen?

When both parties are at par, isn’t ADR suitable for such situations,

In conditions when the powerful enjoy privileges and the other faces oppression, how can there be negotiations,

MeeLord! I am seeking justice as a citizen!


The system grants rights to him as an accused and assured him protection,

But what about my rights as a victim, a survivor and a citizen,

Despite my rights being written in the constitution that grants me safety as a person,

Why for the sake of a family only I am expected make all sacrifices and face subjugation?

I left my home, my friends, my career and my ambitions,

to join him in house after marriage as per culture and traditions,

And still it is anticipated that I remain silent when he tortures me without any rhyme or reason,

MeeLord! I am seeking justice as a citizen.


The fact that I am a woman is this for me a burden?

Shouldn’t he be held liable for his violent actions?

He used all legal technicalities to evade his culpability,

He is not penalized for his brutalization,

The law and the society expect me to bow down as a wife and silently bear all humiliation,

As a woman, am I a lesser human? Why there is so much of discrimination,

MeeLord, I am seeking justice as a citizen!


The statistical data shows violence against women grow every year with intensification,

Young girls or old women, all are being attacked with no restrictions,

The culture of impunity is thriving because there are no convictions,

And when I say that you pointed out lesser police, more population and less staff to do supervision,

The law writes that there will be a setup to guard my rights and that there will be officers for protection,

But now you say there is no money for shelter homes, no resources for medical or mental health or safety provisions,

All political leaders want women to remain silently caged and bound but to stop violent men they have no solution,

This is not about `family’s’ internal matters, it is about safety and health of myself and my children,

MeeLord, I am seeking justice as a citizen!


You say that the kids are safe sound when they are with both parents,

Tell me how a man who beats his wife can be a source of abundant love for his children?

Please don’t tell me that through his violence he pours affection,

You say my kids will not get food if he is jailed and be kept in detention,

But already he is depriving his family of the ration,

All what he is earning, he is spending in liquor consumption,

He paid high fee to the lawyer to fight the case against me but he never paid a penny for his child’s education,

In fact, I am working day and night to provide food to my children, and none of the losses I made appeared in your alimony calculation,

MeeLord, I am seeking justice as a citizen!


He did everything to blame me, ostracize me and to harm my reputation,

He went on to do my character assassination and no one stopped him from blurting out all lies and fabrications,

And you absolve him for all his wrong deeds because he is a man, perhaps, could escape all his obligations,

He did all wrongs; yet I am being put on the charge every time for all his mala fide actions,

And yet you say I stay with him without any fleeting thoughts of retaliation,

This sexism, misogyny, and chauvinist notions may no longer lead to a better society’s creation,

This attitude of impunity could not create a great nation,

MeeLord, I am seeking justice as a citizen!


You say all the laws are made for women, the domestic violence or rape law and dowry law, all for my protection,

But could these laws really uphold women’s rights or control oppression of half of the population,

The equality guaranteed in the constitution could not become reality after years of application,

No one explains how the laws fail women in their implementation,

You say laws are abused by women when we complain,

This is a way to let our voices go unheard in vain,

There may be many women’s organizations or women’s commissions,

Yet, these couldn’t address deeply embedded patriarchal notions or could contain centuries of women’s subjugation,

Perhaps, women are still considered as someone’s women, wives, or daughters and not as independent citizens,

How can the prism of relationship be used for adjudication?

Apart from my relationships I have my own unique persona and identification,

I placed my faith in the laws, courts and constitution,

Not to get rejected or to face dejection, but to seek justice and action,

MeeLord, I am seeking justice as a citizen!

Shalu Nigam is an activist, advocate, and researcher working on gender, human rights, law, and governance issues. She has written several books and articles. Her recent publications include Women and Domestic Violence Law in India: A Quest for Justice and Domestic Violence Law in India: Myths and Misogyny.

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Monday, September 27, 2021


Every little girl has a dream, a dream that will not die….


Every little girl has a dream

A dream to study, a dream to play,

A dream to dance, a dream to fly,

A dream to be free from all adversities,

A dream that imagines equality, a dream that eliminates hierarchy,

A dream that shatters glass ceiling, a dream that challenges patriarchy,

A dream against oppression, a dream against subjugation,

A dream of possibilities, passions and aspirations,

A dream of liberation and a dream of emancipation,

A dream that will not die…


You may build walls, fences or boundaries,

You may create barriers of caste, class, religion or any other hierarchy,

You may close schools, defund colleges, smother universities or lock libraries,

But you cannot lock nurturing imaginations,

You may use arsenals or weapons, bombs, military or prisons,

For these dreams have been cultivated, and passed on through generations,

These are the dreams that will not die…


All the arbitrary discriminatory laws of the oppressive tyrannical regimes,

All the age-old, regressive norms of fundamentalists who pose as divine,

You may push a woman’s body behind purdah or veil to restrict her mobility,

You may try using indoctrination to engrain patriarchy,

You may use fear, terror or threat,

or you may harvest toxic masculinity, rage or hate,

But you cannot stop the venturing of a courageous mind,

A warrior walks the path she will find,

Because she has the dreams that will not die…


You may kill girls in the womb or discriminate against those who survive,

But you cannot shoot that fearlessness and bravery that thrive,

You may force honor killing or child marriage,

But these are the dreams you cannot encage,

Your chauvinism may shoot many Malalas,

Your misogyny may brutalize many Asifas, your sexism may rape Ashas

But you cannot kill their amazing far-sighted vision,

You cannot enchain the minds that have learned and dared to imagine

Rather your hostility will add fuel to the fire,

More you suppress more these dreams will grow stronger

Do whatever you could but these are the dreams that will not die…


Every little girl on this planet has a dream

A dream that hopes for the million possibilities and passion

A dream that brings change through creativity and compassion

A dream that imagines a violence-free wonderful world around her

The little girl who dreams know how to resist, dissent through her mutinies or rebellion

She knows that her dream will not shatter, what you do, doesn’t matter

The little girl is a warrior, she will not be deterred

Her dream will come true sooner or later,

But, one thing is sure, the dream she has will not die….


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