
No Wages For Love: Women’s Rights Within Families And Changing Economic Paradigm

  No Wages For Love: Women’s Rights Within Families And Changing Economic Paradigm 30/03/2018 The neoliberal economy has changed the manner in which labor, love, and relationships have been recognized, appreciated, and structured in society. The economic crisis has cropped up in recent years, where employment is shrinking, the economy is deteriorating, the common people are left with few options to earn their livelihoods and the state is rolling back from its welfare role, all this is making a significant impact on social relations. These economic changes are also making a deep impact on the social institution of marriage and family which is weakening and is being threatened in the given neoliberal environment where money is replacing love, commercialization is substituting the social and emotional bonds, the civic relations are waning and fading away and where the community support is gradually becoming extinct. The consumer paradigm in the free market economy now put an onus on the i
  Hail Patriarchy! Of Supreme Judges And Elite Law 07 November 2015 S ince the Supreme Court of India pronounced its verdict in the matter of Supreme Court Advocate on Record Association versus Union of India also commonly known as NJAC judgement where the court consisting of five judges bench by the majority declared the National Judicial Appointment Commission to be formulated under the 99th Constitutional amendment as unconstitutional, a debate has been initiated. Opinions are expressed in favor and against it, and a fierce discussion has been initiated regarding the manner in which transparency and accountability may be maintained while appointing judges. However, the Supreme Court of India on November 3, 2015, moved ahead and conducted a hearing to work on suggestions to strengthen the Collegium system. By coincidence or by choice, I somehow got the chance to be present in the courtroom where these proceedings were conducted. The room was packed with advocates, senior advocates, e
  Fighting for the Justice in the Patriarchal Courts 29 August 2017 The last few days witnessed the pronouncement of several significant celebrated judgments by the courts in the cases relating to the right to privacy, triple talaq, and the sentencing of a 20-years life term to a self-proclaimed Godman who raped women. All these three cases, somehow uphold people’s trust in courts as the custodian of the rule of law. Even otherwise, in normal parlance in India, courts are considered a temple of justice as well as the custodian of constitutional values by the common people. The courtroom is a space where domination and oppression are challenged and social as well as economic and political justice is facilitated. The prime duty of the court, hence, is to uphold the spirit of the constitution, the rights of people, and the rule of law. In fact, the democratic society places a high value on the independence of the judiciary. However, often, deeply embedded in the layered, hierarchical, pat

The Privileges of Being a Hindu, Upper Caste and Elite Class, Male in India

 The Privileges of Being a Hindu, Upper Caste and Elite Class, Male in India Abstract When Peggy McIntosh referred to the term 'White Male Privilege' she describes conditions that systematically 'overempower certain groups' and 'confers dominance, gives permission to control, because of one's race or sex', in a Western society. These privileges according to her are unjust and unearned. She stated that, "I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group". Similarly, in a conservative, patriarchal, stratified, casteist, hierarchical, unequal modern Indian society, the undeserved 'Male Privileges' besides the unwarranted advantage of being a 'Hindu' hailing from an 'Upper Caste' and 'Elite Class' plays a significant role in defining the social status of a person which accordingly confers him the voice, the dominant position, the decision making auth
  THE FOUNDING MOTHERS 15 Women Architects of the Indian Constitution 2016 A Book  by Sr Mary Scaria and Shalu Nigam  15 women participated in the making of the Indian Constitution  Ammu Swaminathan Annie Mascarene. Begum Aizaz Rasul Dakshayani Velayudhan Durgabai Deshmukh. Hansa Mehta… Kamala Chaudhri Leela Roy Malati Devi Choudhury Purnima Baner jee Rajkumari Amrit Kaur Renuka Ray Sarojini Naidu Sucheta Kripalani.. Vijayalakshmi Pandit.