
Showing posts with the label Dowry

Dowry Violence

 Dowry Violence  Excerpts from the title Dowry is a Serious Economic Violence: Rethinking Dowry Law in India For more see this book Arendt [1] in her renowned book titled Eichmann in Jerusalem, applied the phrase ` banality of evil’ to determine how, during the Holocaust, ordinary people committed extraordinary crimes and yet escaped their criminal liabilities because the grave seriousness of the crime was trivialized, routinized, and reduced to `banality’. In the Nazi regime, irrevocable crimes against humanity were committed in a systematic way on a daily basis and accepted without moral repulsion or political indignation [2] . In the same way, for decades, the horrific crimes of dowry violence and wrongful deaths have been reduced to ` banality’ in India.  Dowry-related violence is not only destroying lives, but it is also adversely affecting the way society contemplates it and distances itself from

Dowry is a serious economic violence

  The monetization of the `sacred’ bond is creating chaos: It happens only in India Shalu Nigam   From the Book  Dowry is a Serious Economic Violence: Rethinking Dowry Violence Law in India “Women are not for burning; women are human beings.” (A slogan raised in post-colonial India against the dreadful practice of the dowry in post-independent India.)   Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, in their famous thesis titled ‘ The Manifesto of the Communist Party’ in 1848, wrote,   “ The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation into a mere money relation”.   Likewise, in the patriarchal context of North India, the institution of marriage, though deemed `sacred’ is considerably reduced to a commercial relationship where money is prioritized over sentiments. The barbaric practice of dowry has been institutionalized and entrenched gradually, with religion playing a vital role in stubbornly determining the norms of sexual