
Showing posts with the label Role of South Asian Women

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and South Asian Women

  Universal Declaration of Human Rights and South Asian Women 5/10/2020 Abstract The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948 is a basic and significant document. It is not only about indivisible, inalienable, basic human rights. Several people in South Asia discredit human rights as a foreign, Eurocentric, or Western and male concept, however, in contradiction, this piece argues that firstly, human rights as proclaimed in the UDHR is a universal concept. It is the collective aspirations of people the world over. UDHR is about the emergence of a new world order. Secondly, non-western women, including those from South Asia played a crucial role in shaping the framework of UDHR. Therefore, dismissing human rights as `foreign’ involves denial of the important role delegates from the Third World have played. This piece asserts that the idea of UDHR is a legacy owned jointly by all nations, shaped by people belonging to different countries, and belongs jointly to the people of the